Thursday, March 19, 2009

So what's new?

Not much around here, well actually a lot, but it all just seems normal.

I have a new job, which i alright. I like that I am bringnig in a little bit of income, and do not have to worry about childcare at all. That's sweet.

Eric's still waiting to hear back from his new job he interviewed for, they said it wouldn't be before next week so keep your fingers crossed.. Mine are a bit cramped right now actually. lol

The girls are excellent, and growing like crazy. We measured them on the wall and they are both about an inch taller then last time we did it.

The bathroom is finally DONE! The closet doors are in and it looks wonderful. Our bedroom is painted, and now we're just waiting for the framing for the closets to go in and then it will be well on its way to completion. Closets, paint, floor, trim and voila!

The girls were very excited to get outside to pay lately, and Mommy was excited to dry some clothes on the line Monday.

We may be getting a puppy, who we are naming Lola. If the people don't back out who are selling her to us. Cross your fingers for that too, because we are all very excited about it.

Not much else really is going on.. we're keeping our eyes out for a good deal on a van, and hoping we can snatch one up soon.. very soon if Eric gets this new job.

Other then that, not much is new. Just thought I'd write a bit of a tidbit because it's been ages. We're just all busy around here being us. It's fun, and great, and wonderful.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that things are going good. My fingers are cramped also but I'll keep them crossed for Eric. I miss you guys!! We've been car shopping. I'll update my blog today or tomorrow so you'll know what's been going on and what will be going on. Take care

Love Mom xoxo