Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hello, I am still alive, but barely. haha

everyone in our place has been sick, except me, and I have been very busy taking care of them, however, thankfully, everyone is on the mend, because I just got slapped with a massive wave of exhaustion. I yawn continually, and can't seem to get off my ass for anything. I have to keep my stomache not empty, but not too full or i feel like I'm going to puke. ugh!

I can't wait to be out of the first trimester so I HOPEFULLY!! Start to feel better.

It's true what they say about every pregnancy being different, so far this is right in between the other two. For Teja, I puked multiple times daily for almost the whole pregnancy, and for Emma, I think I got sick once. This is right in between the girls.

Not much is going on, I turn 28 next week, and Eric and I are planning to go out for dinner, if my stomache approves of those plans, and then we're going to go get all of the christmas shopping done so that I don't have to worry about it anymore. At least for the girls. They're the most important anyway. And I'm dragging him to Babies-r-Us so we can look at travel systems and see if theres anything that catches our eye.