Friday, April 25, 2008

Just a Girl

this is very raw, and uneditted. It'll probably change, or be deleted promptly. lol

Just a Girl

I don't want to be an adult today.
I don't want to put on a face, or a smile.
I'm not going to worry about clothes,
shoes, or my hair this morning.

I'm going to walk in the river bank
and feel the mud squish between my toes.
I'm going to wear my hair in pigtails,
and chase a bullfrog for most the afternoon.

I'm going to eat ice cream for breakfast,
and sing along with songs I don't know.
I'll lay in the grass and, take a little
time deciding on the animals floating by.

If you see me today, please don't ask
about my job, or my house, or the car.
Don't ask if I've seen Sally or Jim, or John.
I don't want to talk about that stuff today.

Instead, ask me to skip rope,
or challenge me to be the first one to the slide.
Take my hand and pull me into the bush,
to finally build the magical fort we've dreamed of.

Because today, I am not who you think I am.
I have freckles again, and embrace them.
Because today, I am me. I am free. I am fun.
Because today, I am just a girl.