Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I am..

I stole this from Cat's signature on a message board that I go to.

I read it, and it struck me as awesome.

This says a lot, and I think it's completely true. There is something I have always said, and thats that I will never regret anything I have done in my life, because it has made me into who I am. And if I am happy with the person I have become, I can't regret the things that made me that way.

Lately, I have had some things on my mind that have sort of been bringing me down, but I think I am finally at peace with them. And that's good, I feel better.

Sometimes I still feel a bit bitter about the last year of my life, but I quickly realize if things had not happened this way, I would probably still be married, and probably still dealing with the same fights I had been for years, and neither of us would be happy. I definitly would not have Eric, and for him I am very thankful.

It's true that love hurts, but I don't think it should be hurting your self esteem, and your self worth, your values.. I think it should hurt when you say goodbye, and it should hurt when you just can't find the words, but it shouldn't hurt who you are.


Anonymous said...

I like that thing. They are true sayings. I do believe in them. I agree with you. As someone told me one, "Choose a path and stick with it" so I did. I've looked back a few time, but it doesn't help. You must look to the present and the future. I always say that you can't have a future if you stay in the past.