Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gym Gym Gym.

So, I joined the YMCA.

It's been fun, and I enjoy a bit of Mommy time when I go, I rock out to my music and sweat (ick.)

Since I seem to be putting nothing else in here, I thought I would keep track of how I do here, and maybe it will motivate me.. so if you see me slacking, kick my arse into gear!

I'm a bit tired today, with a bit of a stressful evening last night. Emma had a bit of a reaction to some new laundry soap, so I've been doing laundry like crazy trying to get it all re-washed for her. Back to the good old Tide.

However, that crisis is done, and so I dragged my ass to the gym this morning.

Heres what I accomplished:
Elliptical - 30 mins - 350 cals
Treadmill - 20 mins - 150 cals

Total Cardio time: 50 minutes
Total Calories burned: about 500

So, there we are. With any luck, the scale will start showing something for all of my hard work. Perhaps not shoving my face with crap will help. And the fact that my two emense thanksgivings are finished.


Anonymous said...

I sooo wish there was something like that here.
You're doing great girl!!! Keep it up.