Monday, June 2, 2008

Well, its June.

Man, where does the time go? It's June already!

I can't sleep tonight, and when that happens, I always find it best to write. Most of the time, I have no idea what is going to come from my fingers, but it doesn't really matter, so long as something comes out, and my mind can rest.

hmm My kids. Teja and Emma, are like the most amazing little people I have ever known. They are smart as hell, they are fun, they're caring, loving, and funny! They amaze me constantly. Teja will be done school this month. Her first year is almost done, and I can't believe it. She's doing SO well. Her reading is awesome, and her self confidence has blossomed. Its really awesome.

This month brings a lot of things, as it seems every month does lately. God, where was I this time last year? Its hard to even remember, as SO much has changed. I've been separated for 7 months now.. going on 8. Can you even believe it?! 8 months it will be this month. That's ridiculous. Its been such a long time, but feels like the blink of an eye as well. The girls and I have really, and honestly come a long way. And that's not a dig to anyone, its merely an observation. The three of us do pretty darn well for ourselves.

There is this amazing strength and ability a person gets when they are put in the position to have to do so. I find it amazing. Abruptly finding myself a single parent to two little girls, and solely responsible for every factor of their lives kicked me into a gear that I don't know that I knew I had. The past months have been somewhat of an eye opening experience for me actually. Did you know that I have absolutely no problem mowing lawns, cutting down tree branches, and shovelling 3 feet of snow out of the drive way with a roast in the slow cooker? Yea, neither did I, but I can, and I do.

I've surprised myself too with my relationships with other people. I'm able to be the person I want to be. I help people, I'm happy, I'm bubbly again.. I'm ME. And even my new lovelife surprises the bejesus out of me at times. I was honestly, terrified of having to trust someone again. I didn't think I had it in me, and I didn't think that I could, but I do. Eric almost oozes this "it's okay to trust me" ooze that I eat up, and he's never steered me wrong, and hasn't let me down, and to be honest, I don't see it anytime soon. (is there some wood around?) And in turn, theres this amazing freedom I feel, that I can't even put into words. It amazes me daily that there really are men like him out there. Maybe, for whatever reason, we bring out good things in each other. Whatever it is, I appreciate it, that's for sure.

Oh man.. I don't even know what to type.. I think its time to try again for some sleep. My eyes are heavy, and I have a ton to do tomorrow, as Heather and Fais are coming for a visit this week!!!! *jumps around like a crazy woman* I'm so excited! I miss my Heather when she goes too long without dropping in!And I can't believe after what like, 12 years?! I'm finally meeting Fais! lol Talk about awkward! Oh well! haha Its all good, I can't even wait. And then NEXT week, with any luck, Eric's back home, from kicking ass in sudbury. Man! the next two weeks are gonna ROCK! lol